

Dear beloved friends,
This will be my last letter to you and I am in fact writing it from heaven. I really want to attempt to put your hearts and minds at ease even though I know you are all missing me so much. Thank you for the outpouring of love that each one of you has lavished on me and my family during my little life. Thank you for the many, many prayers on my behalf, on Papi and Mommy’s behalf. I know that your faith has been stretched immeasurably and some of you may wonder for what. I want to say that nothing has been fruitless and that God is so pleased with all of you. You have held onto God’s promises even when nothing made sense and now “the Lord will give strength to His people, the Lord will bless His people with peace.” You may never know what my journey, and your involvement in it, was all about until you get to the end of your life and look back at how it helped you or strengthened you in some other area of your own journey. In spite of the pain you are all going through, God is good in all His ways, He is faithful, He is loving and He is kind. And don’t I know it!
Now I get to be with Jesus.
Dear friends, I am finally whole and it feels so good. I can move freely and without pain and on top of that these Kaiden cheeks that you all loved to kiss so much are getting more than enough kisses from Jesus. So don’t worry about me anymore. Now I want you to take care of my Papi and Mommy. I can’t be there to brighten their days with smiles so I need you all to love on them like crazy. Pray for their hearts, hug them, cry with them, talk to them and share your best memories of me with them. “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” I love you all so much, you are in my heart and I will see you again some day soon.
Blessings from Kaiden in heaven.


A few complications

Hi Guys,
Well I am in the hospital, I was supposed to have surgery Wedensday, but I am to sick. I have had to have two blood transfusions, one for red blood cells, and one for platlets. My blood is having a hard time clotting, so I can't have surgery till it gets fixed. These are all symptoms of a possible infection, but so far the Doctors have not found one. I really want to play with my musical barn my Grammy gave me, but I just feel to sick to play. Please pray for us, it's hard not knowing what is making me feel so bad.


back to the hospital

Hello everyone,
It's been along, time since we moved to San Diego lots has happened. The best is all the walks Mommy takes me on, no snow here, just really really tall trees. Mommy says they are Palm trees, I like them a lot. The saddest thing is Papi can't be with us, I don't really understand why, but he can't come with us to San Diego. Mommy and I go and visit him in Mexico every chance we get.

I have to go back to the hospital on Wedensday, I am having surgery. The Doctors are going to check how much longer I can keep my liver, and they are also going to look at my intestines to make sure they didn't miss the problem last time they were in there. Mommy says we'll probably be there a week or so. Please pray for me and my parents, being in the hospital is hard on all of us.

Love Kaiden